February 20, 2018 agrant

Sony PlayStation Sponsors Golden State Warriors Halftime with Immersive Advertisement

Image by PlayStation via AdWeek.com

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On Saturday, February 10th, Sony PlayStation released the first-ever, full-length immersive advertisement on the NBA’s Golden State Warriors court floor.  Announcing the April 20th release of the video game, God of War, the two-minute ad spanned the entire length of the basketball court.  The ad, dubbed “War on the Floor” was an intricate collaboration between client, Sony PlayStation, advertising agency, BBH New York, Quince Imaging, PlayStation game developer Santa Monica Studios and post-production company Platige Image.

Quince Imaging has a rich history designing and installing temporary and permanent 3D projection systems for the NBA, and producing creative content for player intros, timeouts and halftime shows.  Early adopters of 3D projection systems have enjoyed increased fan engagement, heightened media attention and a new revenue stream in the form of globally-recognized brand sponsorships. Since the projection mapping advertisement was first broadcast on Facebook Live February 10th, social media tracking reports the video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times across social networks, blogging communities, and local, national and global news outlets.

Read the full “War on the Floor” ad review on AdWeek’s blog, AdFreak HERE. Learn more about 3D court projection and global brand sponsorship HERE.

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Featured Image by PlayStation via AdWeek.  Video by PlayStation via Golden State Warriors.  Learn more at Playstation.com/godofwar.

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